Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension clinical trials at UCSF
3 in progress, 2 open to eligible people
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension is when blood clots lead to high blood pressure in the lungs. UCSF is studying patients to understand how the disease develops over time. UCSF is also part of a national study on pulmonary hypertension.
Chronic Thromboembolic Disease Registry
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The goal of this patient registry is to learn about the natural history in patients with chronic thromboembolic disease (CTD) and/or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The main question[s] it aims to answer are: - Long-term outcome after various types of treatment, including medication, balloon pulmonary angioplasty, and pulmonary endarterectomy - Effect of treatment on patient's quality of life and exercise tolerance Participants will be followed longitudinally to assess their health outcomes and quality of life via chart review and health quality surveys.
San Francisco, California
Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry
open to eligible people ages 0 years and up
The PHA Registry (PHAR) is a national study about people who have pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). PHAR collects information from people with PAH and CTEPH who are cared for in participating PHA-accredited Pulmonary Hypertension Care Centers throughout the U.S. PHAR will determine how people with PAH and CTEPH are evaluated, tested, and treated, and will observe how well these participants do. The goal is to see if people with PH are treated according to recommended guidelines, and to see if there are certain factors that can lead to better or worse outcomes. PHAR will include information about people with PAH and CTEPH in the U.S. who are seen at participating PHA-accredited PH Care Centers. PHAR contains data about patient care and outcomes. Specifically, data in the PHAR includes information on diagnosis; clinical status; socioeconomic status; diagnosis test results; body size; treatment information; interest in participating in clinical trials; family health and social history; and information about smoking, alcohol, or drug use. Participants are followed over time, and provide updates such as changes in therapy, how often participants need to go to the hospital, and survival. Such information may help healthcare providers provide better care.
San Francisco, California and other locations
Validation of SEARCH, a Novel Hierarchical Algorithm to Define Long-term Outcomes After Pulmonary Embolism
Sorry, accepting new patients by invitation only
Potential outcomes after PE occur on a spectrum: complete recovery, exercise intolerance from deconditioning/anxiety, dyspnea from concomitant cardiopulmonary conditions, dyspnea from residual pulmonary vascular occlusion, chronic thromboembolic disease and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Although a battery of advanced diagnostic tests could distinguish each of those conditions, the yield of individual tests among all post- PE patients is low enough that routine testing of all PE patients is not typically performed. Although the various possible post-PE outcomes have enormous implications for patient care, they are rarely distinguished clinically. Perhaps for this reason, chronic conditions after PE are rarely (if ever) used as endpoints in randomized clinical trials of acute PE treatment. The proposed project will validate a clinical decision tree to distinguish among the various discrete outcomes cost-effectively through a hierarchical series of tests with the acronym SEARCH (for symptom screen, exercise function, arterial perfusion, resting heart function, confirmatory imaging and hemodynamics). Each step of the algorithm sorts a subset of patients into a diagnostic category unequivocally in a cost-effective manner. The categories are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, so that each case falls into one, and only one, category. Each individual test used in the algorithm has been clinically validated in pulmonary embolism patients, including the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) technique that the investigators developed and validated. However, the decision tree approach to deploying the tests has not yet been validated. Aim 1 will determine whether the SEARCH algorithm will yield concordant post-PE diagnoses when multiple reviewers independently evaluate multiple cases (reliability). Aim 2 will determine whether the post-PE diagnoses are stable, according to the SEARCH algorithm, between the first evaluation and the subsequent one six months later (validity).
Fresno, California and other locations
Our lead scientists for Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension research studies include Miles Conrad, MD Teresa De Marco, MD.
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