Driveline Infections clinical trials at UCSF
1 research study open to eligible people
Driveline infections happen when germs enter the body through the tube that powers a heart pump. UCSF is studying a new way to manage these infections with a randomized trial. This study started in January 2022 and is open for participants.
Silver Lining in the VAD Sky
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The investigators propose to conduct a prospective randomized trail (RCT) of a driveline management protocol. The study will be initiated at UCSF from January 1st 2022 to December 31st 2022 as a pilot to be extended to other sites with the ultimate goal to develop a multi-center RCT. The driveline dressing protocol studied will include a silver-based dressing barrier as well as a dressing change protocol and material designed to reduce the risk of driveline dressing induced dermatitis and allergies. Assessment will include DLI rates, DLI speciation, dermatitis rate, comfort, ease of use, compliance and cost
San Francisco, California
Our lead scientists for Driveline Infections research studies include Liviu Klein, MD.
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