Eating Disorders clinical trials at UCSF
1 research study open to eligible people
Eating disorders are conditions that change the way people eat and think about food. UCSF is exploring how exercise can affect those with eating disorders. These trials focus on the role of physical activity in managing symptoms.
Response to Acute Exercise in Eating Disorders
open to eligible females ages 16-25
Individuals with eating disorders (ED) represent a high-priority clinical population, with among the highest mortality rates of any psychiatric disorder, and driven exercise (DEx) is a symptom evidenced in up to 80% of those with EDs that increases impairment and negatively impacts treatment outcome. This study will develop tasks to characterize cognitive, affective, and biological response to exercise among adolescent and young adult females with EDs and determine whether acute exercise response associates with free-living activity and DEx. This R21 project will provide foundational data to guide research and development of treatments that are more precisely targeted to the symptom of driven exercise and to ultimately improve clinical outcomes associated with EDs.
San Francisco, California and other locations
Our lead scientists for Eating Disorders research studies include Sasha Gorrell, PhD.
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