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Hemophilia clinical trials at UCSF

6 in progress, 1 open to eligible people

Hemophilia is a medical condition that affects blood clotting. UCSF is involved in the ATHN Transcends study to examine how hemophilia affects patients over time. This study is part of a broader effort to understand the impact of new therapies on bleeding disorders.

Showing trials for
  • ATHN Transcends: A Natural History Study of Non-Neoplastic Hematologic Disorders

    open to all eligible people

    In parallel with the growth of American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network's (ATHN) clinical studies, the number of new therapies for all congenital and acquired hematologic conditions, not just those for bleeding and clotting disorders, is increasing significantly. Some of the recently FDA-approved therapies for congenital and acquired hematologic conditions have yet to demonstrate long-term safety and effectiveness beyond the pivotal trials that led to their approval. In addition, results from well-controlled, pivotal studies often cannot be replicated once a therapy has been approved for general use.(1,2,3,4) In 2019 alone, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued approvals for twenty-four new therapies for congenital and acquired hematologic conditions.(5) In addition, almost 10,000 new studies for hematologic diseases are currently registered on With this increase in potential new therapies on the horizon, it is imperative that clinicians and clinical researchers in the field of non-neoplastic hematology have a uniform, secure, unbiased, and enduring method to collect long-term safety and efficacy data. ATHN Transcends is a cohort study to determine the safety, effectiveness, and practice of therapies used in the treatment of participants with congenital or acquired non-neoplastic blood disorders and connective tissue disorders with bleeding tendency. The study consists of 7 cohorts with additional study "arms" and "modules" branching off from the cohorts. The overarching objective of this longitudinal, observational study is to characterize the safety, effectiveness and practice of treatments for all people with congenital and acquired hematologic disorders in the US. As emphasized in a recently published review, accurate, uniform and quality national data collection is critical in clinical research, particularly for longitudinal cohort studies covering a lifetime of biologic risk.(7)

    Oakland, California and other locations

  • Factor IX Gene Therapy With PF-06838435 in Adult Males With Moderately Severe to Severe Hemophilia B

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    This study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of PF-06838435 (a gene therapy drug) in adult male participants with moderately severe to severe hemophilia B (participants that have a Factor IX circulating activity of 2% or less). The gene therapy is designed to introduce genetic material into cells to compensate for missing or non-functioning Factor IX. Eligible study participants will have completed a minimum 6 months of routine Factor IX prophylaxis therapy during the lead in study (C0371004). Participants will be dosed once (intravenously) and will be evaluated over the course of 6 years. The main objective of the study will evaluate the annualized bleeding rate [ABR] for participants treated with gene therapy versus standard of care (SOC) therapy (FIX prophylaxis replacement regimen).

    San Francisco, California and other locations

  • Giroctocogene Fitelparvovec or Fidanacogene Elaparvovec in Patients With Hemophilia A or B Respectively

    Sorry, not currently recruiting here

    A study to learn about the long-term safety and efficacy of giroctocogene fitelparvovec or fidanacogene elaparvovec in patients with hemophilia A or hemophilia B respectively, who have received treatment through prior participation in a Pfizer-sponsored clinical trial. Data collection and participant visits will be based on standard of care.

    San Francisco, California and other locations

  • Valoctocogene Roxaparvovec in Hemophilia A Patients (BMN 270-301)

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    This Phase III clinical study will assess the impact of BMN 270 (compared to FVIII prophylaxis) on the number of bleeding episodes irrespective of exogenous FVIII replacement treatment in the efficacy evaluation period (EEP) (from Week 5 post-BMN 270 infusion (Study Day 33) or the end of FVIII prophylaxis plus the washout period (3 days for products of standard half-life or plasma-derived and 5 days for products of extended half-life), whichever is later, to last visit by the data cut-off for the 2-year analysis, hereafter referred to as "Post FVIII Prophylaxis to Last Visit"). The study will also assess the impact of BMN 270 (compared to FVIII prophylaxis) on: the number of bleeding episodes requiring exogenous FVIII treatment in "Post FVIII Prophylaxis to Last Visit", FVIII activity as measured by chromogenic sustrate assay at Week 104 following intravenous infusion of BMN 270, usage of exogenous FVIII replacement therapy in "Post FVIII Prophylaxis to Last Visit", health-related quality of life patient-reported outcomes at week 104 following intravenous infusion of BMN 270. The study will also evaluate the safety of the BMN 270.

    San Francisco, California and other locations

  • PF-07055480 / Giroctocogene Fitelparvovec Gene Therapy in Moderately Severe to Severe Hemophilia A Adults

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    C3731003 is a pivotal Phase 3 study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of a single IV infusion of PF-07055480 / giroctocogene fitelparvovec (Recombinant AAV2/6 Human Factor VIII Gene Therapy) in adult male participants with moderately severe or severe hemophilia A (FVIII:C≤1%) for the study duration of 5 years. The study will enroll eligible participants who have been followed on routine prophylaxis with FVIII products in the Lead-In study C0371004.

    San Francisco, California and other locations

  • (LTFU) of Subjects Who Received SB-318, SB-913, or SB-FIX

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    Long-term follow-up of subjects who received SB-318, SB-913, or SB-FIX in a previous trial and completed at least 52 weeks post-infusion follow-up in their primary protocol. Enrolled subjects will be followed for a total of up to 10 years following exposure to SB-318, SB-913, or SB-FIX.

    Oakland, California and other locations

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