Fulminant Hepatic Failure clinical trials at UCSF
1 research study open to eligible people
Fulminant hepatic failure is a rapid loss of liver function. UCSF is investigating new treatments for children with liver failure due to immune system issues. The trials involve testing various therapies to see which works best in managing the condition.
TReatment for ImmUne Mediated PathopHysiology
open to eligible people ages 1-18
TReatment for ImmUne Mediated PathopHysiology (TRIUMPH) is a multi-center, three arm, randomized, controlled trial of immunosuppressive therapy for children with acute liver failure. The study will determine if suppressing inflammatory responses with either corticosteroids or equine anti-thymocyte globulin therapy improves survival for children with this rare, life-threatening condition.
San Francisco, California and other locations
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