Knee Pain clinical trials at UCSF
1 research study open to eligible people
Knee pain is discomfort in the knee joint. UCSF is studying how venlafaxine might reduce pain after knee replacement surgery. These trials help understand why some people have lasting pain after surgery.
Venlafaxine in Reducing Pain in Primary Total Knee Replacement
open to eligible people ages 18-75
Patients experience pain after their knee replacement surgery - and some may continue to experience persistent pain long after their knee replacement surgery. Traditional pain management strategies reply on pain medication such as opioids for pain control. However, these drugs do not work well for pain associated with movement or the the nerve pain (tingling, electrical sensations) after surgery. In addition, opioids are associated with significant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression, depression, cognitive dysfunction and risk of persistent opioid use. Neuropathic pain medications, such as venlafaxine are effective in managing nerve pain. Recent studies also support its potential role in acute pain management. Here, we propose a prospective randomized clinical trial 1) to evaluate the efficacy of Venlafaxine in reducing pain intensity and opioid consumption at post-operative day 1 (POD1) and 1- week after surgery, and 2) to examine whether the use of Venlafaxine will reduce the incidents of chronic postsurgical pain in TKA patients at 3-month time point.
San Francisco, California
Our lead scientists for Knee Pain research studies include Matthias Behrends, MD.
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