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Abortion clinical trials at UCSF

1 research study open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Research on Equity in Abortion Care by TeleHealth

    open to eligible people ages 14-64

    This study will examine the ways in which telehealth for reproductive healthcare affects timing, costs, and follow-up care; whether telehealth reaches people in areas with greater health inequities; and the attributes of telehealth that patients want. Study surveys will be administered to interested, eligible participants: 2,000 patients seeking abortion care will complete the study, comprising of 2 groups: patients seeking medication abortion care either (1) in-person or (2) via telehealth. This project will address how telehealth services can be optimized for people of color, low-income people, and immigrants to increase digital inclusion and health equity.

    Oakland, California

Our lead scientists for Abortion research studies include .

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