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Urethral Cancer clinical trials at UCSF

1 research study open to eligible people

Urethral cancer happens when cancer forms in the tube carrying urine out of the body. UCSF is testing a special radiotracer, 64Cu-GRIP B, to see how it interacts with cancer cells. This study aims to learn more about how the tracer targets cancer.

Showing trials for
  • 64Cu-GRIP B in Patients With Advanced Malignancies

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    This phase I/II clinical trial evaluates if using a radiotracer targeting granzyme B, 64-copper granzyme targeting restricted interaction peptide specific to family member B (64 Cu-GRIP B) with positron emission tomography (PET) imaging can be safe and useful for detecting granzyme B (GrB) in patients with advanced cancers that has spread to nearby tissue or lymph nodes (advanced). Granzyme B (GrB) is a biomarker produced by immune cells in response to immunotherapy, which may highlight tumors that are more likely to respond to treatment. The study population is focused on genitourinary (GU) malignancies, including renal cell and urothelial cancer, two tumor types with high mutational burden and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes compared to other tumor types, and have a predictable response rate at the population level to immune checkpoint inhibitors. The information gained from this trial may allow researchers to develop future trials where 64Cu-GRIP B PET may serve as a biomarker to monitor early response to immunomodulatory therapies which are used to stimulate or suppress the immune system and may help the body fight cancer.

    San Francisco, California

Our lead scientists for Urethral Cancer research studies include .

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