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Heart Transplant clinical trials at UCSF

4 in progress, 3 open to eligible people

A heart transplant is a surgery to replace a sick heart with a healthy one. UCSF is studying how levothyroxine might help heart transplant patients. Another study compares in-person with telehealth cardiac rehab. UCSF is also part of a registry tracking heart perfusion methods.

Showing trials for
  • Levothyroxine Supplementation for Heart Transplant Recipients

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    This will be a prospective, randomized study performed at a single tertiary referral academic medical center (University of California San Francisco, CA), evaluating the survival benefits of levothyroxine compared with no levothyroxine for patients who have undergone heart transplant. It will be double-blinded and placebo-control; participants will be randomized to receive levothyroxine or receive no levothyroxine.

    San Francisco, California

  • MCNAIR Study: coMparative effeCtiveness of iN-person and teleheAlth cardIac Rehabilitation

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    Cardiac rehabilitation is a medically recommended program for patients with certain heart conditions. It includes exercise training, health education, and counseling. Unfortunately, many patients do not participate in cardiac rehabilitation. Some find it challenging to attend the in-person sessions. This study aims to compare two methods of delivering cardiac rehabilitation: in-person and through telehealth. The investigators want to know if the effects of these two programs are alike and if certain individuals benefit more from one program over the other.

    San Francisco, California and other locations

  • US National OCS Heart Perfusion (OHP) Registry

    open to all eligible people

    This Registry is a sponsor initiated, multi-center, observational post-approval registry with independent academic oversight.

    San Francisco, California and other locations

  • Surveillance HeartCare® Outcomes Registry

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    This is an observational registry to assess the clinical utility of surveillance using HeartCare testing services, in association with clinical care of heart transplant recipients.

    San Fransisco, California and other locations

Our lead scientists for Heart Transplant research studies include .

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