
for people ages 60 years and up (full criteria)
at San Francisco, California
study started
completion around
Principal Investigator
by Linda Park, PhD, NP
Headshot of Linda Park
Linda Park



The proposed research seeks to determine whether virtual coaching and social support focusing on key social cognitive factors will be an effective strategy for maintaining physical activity (PA) after completing cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Despite the well-documented benefits of CR, only 15-50% of individuals continue to exercise 6 months after completing CR.4-6 Thus, after 36 sessions (typically 12 weeks), many patients are left without the support necessary to sustain physical activity (PA) and prevent adverse secondary cardiac events. Though previous research has explored interventions to sustain PA after CR, many studies have been lacking in a theoretical basis, objective measurement of PA, measurement, and analysis of psychosocial and social cognitive factors, and long-term impact on clinical outcomes. Low-cost, pragmatic approaches to maintaining PA after CR is urgently needed for older adults, and virtual technologies offer promising solutions to promote adherence to PA. The three specific aims of the project are to: 1) determine the effect of virtual coaching and social support on adherence to PA (measured by objective step counts) in the intervention vs. control groups; secondary measures will be amount of sedentary time, functional fitness, and self-reported exercise; 2) determine the effect of virtual coaching and social support on psychosocial and social cognitive factors in the intervention vs. control groups; 2a) evaluate the extent to which psychosocial and social cognitive factors mediate the effect of the intervention on PA adherence; 3) examine differences in CVD risk factors (blood pressure, lipids, HbA1c, BMI) between groups.

Official Title

Supportive Training After Cardiac Rehabilitation Including Virtual Engagement: The STRIVE Study


Cardiac Rehabilitation, Adherence, Cardiovascular disease, m-Health, Physical Activity, Social support, Virtual Coaching, Mobile App Alone, Mobile app + Social


You can join if…

Open to people ages 60 years and up

  1. ≥ 60 years of age
  2. History of CVD that qualified patient for Phase II CR (MI, percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass grafting, heart failure, valve replacement, etc.)
  3. Adherence to CR ( ≥ 50% sessions for ≥ 1 month)

You CAN'T join if...

  1. Participation in Phase III CR (optional extended CR after outpatient CR for those who pay out-of-pocket)
  2. Cognitive impairment (score 0-2 per Mini-Cog)
  3. Lack of English or Spanish proficiency/literacy
  4. Unstable clinical conditions
    1. Unstable arrhythmias, aortic stenosis, thrombophlebitis, dissecting aneurysm or symptomatic anemia
    2. Active infection
    3. Uncontrolled hypertension: resting systolic >180 mmHg, diastolic >100 mmHg
    4. Decompensated heart failure, NYHA Class III-IV
    5. Current unstable angina
    6. 2nd or 3rd degree heart block or exercise induced arrhythmias


  • UCSF
    San Francisco California 94143 United States

Lead Scientist at UCSF

  • Linda Park, PhD, NP
    Dr. Park's program of research focuses on the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Her current research projects center around determining the most engaging, practical, and meaningful technology-based interventions to improve patient self-care, clinical outcomes, and quality of life for patients with ischemic heart disease and heart failure.


not yet accepting patients
Start Date
Completion Date
University of California, San Francisco
Study Type
Expecting 286 study participants
Last Updated