
for people ages 18 years and up (full criteria)
at San Francisco, California and other locations
study started
completion around
Principal Investigator
by Nicholas Butowski
Headshot of Nicholas Butowski
Nicholas Butowski



This is a multicenter, open-label study of DB107-RRV (formerly Toca 511) and DB107-FC (formerly Toca FC) when administered following surgical resection in newly diagnosed High Grade Glioma (HGG) patients. The study is designed to evaluate whether treatment with DB107-RRV in combination with DB107-FC when added to standard of care provides clinical benefit to newly diagnosed HGG when compared to historical performance previously determined in well controlled clinical trials published in the peer reviewed literature. This study is going to be conducted in newly diagnosed HGG patients receiving with maximum surgical resection treatment followed by radiation and temozolomide treatment using the established Stupp Protocol for O6-methylguanine-DNA methyl-transferase (MGMT) methylated patients or radiation therapy for MGMT unmethylated patients.

Official Title

A Phase I/IIa Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of DB107-RRV (Formerly Toca511), Administered to Subjects At Time of Resection and Intravenously Thereafter, in Combination with DB107-FC (Formerly Toca FC) and Radiation Therapy or DB107-FC, Temozolomide (TMZ) and Radiation Therapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed High Grade Glioma



  1. To evaluate the safety and tolerability of DB107-RRV administered intracranially followed by intravenous (IV) DB107-RRV and DB107-FC (Phase I).

II. To determine the median progression-free survival (PFS) (informed by biomarker status, DGM7 and patient subsets to minimally include genomic profile and histology) of newly diagnosed HGG patients treated with DB107-RRV combined with DB107-FC delivered with standard of care following tumor resection (Phase IIa).


  1. To confirm the recommended Phase 2 Dose (RP2D) of DB107-RRV and DB107-FC when administered to newly diagnosed HGG patients (Phase I).

II. To evaluate radiographic response by Immunotherapy response assessment in neuro-oncology (iRANO) (Phase I).

III. To assess best overall response rates (complete response (CR), partial response (PR), stable disease (SD), progressive disease (PD)) and overall response rate (CR and PR) of each arm and subset (Phase IIa).

IV. To assess the duration of response of each arm and subset (Phase IIa). V. To assess the median overall PFS and PFS at month 6 (PFS-6) for each arm and subset (Phase IIa).

VI. To assess the median overall survival of each arm and subset (Phase IIa). VII. To evaluate the safety of DB107-RRV administered intracranially followed by IV DB107-RRV and DB107-FC (Phase IIa).


Participants will initially be enrolled in Phase I and treated with DB107-RRV intracranially, at time of surgical resection, and intravenously within 8 hours following surgery. Pathology will be performed locally as per standard practice to confirm participant's HGG diagnosis and Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) mutation status. Participants in Phase I will then be assigned to one of 2 cohorts: No MGMT methylation (MGMT unmethylated) which will receive DB107-FC and RT following DB107-RRV or Low-High MGMT methylated which will receive DB107-FC, Temozolomide (TMZ) and RT following DB107-RRV. The safety and tolerability will be examined for the Phase I participants and RP2D dose confirmed. New participants will then be enrolled in Phase IIa under the established RP2D determined in Phase I, with the first 2 participants receiving a safety run-in at the RP2D. Once participant safety and tolerability are confirmed, additional participants will be enrolled in the Phase IIa portion of the study. All participants who receive DB107-RRV and DB107-FC will be followed for up to15 years.


High Grade Glioma, MGMT-Unmethylated Glioblastoma, MGMT-Methylated Glioblastoma, Gene therapy, Combination therapy, Glioblastoma, Glioma, Flucytosine, Temozolomide, DB107-RRV, Radiation Therapy (RT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Surgical resection, Low to High MGMT Methylation (DB107-RRV, DB107-FC, Temozolomide (TMZ), Radiation therapy)


You can join if…

Open to people ages 18 years and up

Each patient must meet all of the following inclusion criteria to be eligible for study entry:

  1. Participant has provided written informed consent.
  2. Participant is between 18 years of age and 75 years of age, inclusive.
  3. Participant must have a Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS) of >= 70.
  4. Participant must have newly diagnosed adult-type diffuse gliomas (World Health Organization Classification 2021) that has not been previously treated with surgery, radiation or chemotherapy (specifically astrocytoma, Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-mutant or glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype).
  5. Based on the pre-operative evaluation by neurosurgeon, participant is a candidate for >= 80% resection of the enhancing region.
  6. The primary tumor must be made available for central testing for IDH1 mutation, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyl-transferase (MGMT) methylation status.
  7. Willing to provide a blood sample to determine Denovo Genomic Marker 7 (DGM7) status.
  8. Laboratory values adequate for patient to undergo surgery, including:
    1. Platelet count >= 60,000/mm3
    2. Hemoglobin >= 10 g/dL
    3. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >= 1,500/mm3
    4. Absolute lymphocyte count >= 500/mm3
    5. Total bilirubin <=1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) (unless patient had Gilbert's syndrome)
    6. alanine aminotransferase (ALT) <= 2.5 x ULN
    7. Estimated glomerular filtration rate of at least 50 mL/min by Cockcroft Gault Formula
  9. Female participants of child-bearing potential and male participants must agree to use adequate contraception (hormonal or barrier method of birth control; abstinence) for 30-days prior to the first administration of study drug, for the duration of study participation, and for 90-days following completion of the therapy. Should a female participant become pregnant or suspect a pregnancy while participating in this study, the treating physician must be informed immediately. IF a male participant impregnates or is suspected of impregnating a woman while participating in this study, the treating physician must be informed immediately.

    • A female of child-bearing potential is any women (regardless of sexual orientation, having undergone a tubal ligation, or remaining celibate by choice) who meets the following criteria:

    • Has not undergone a hysterectomy or bilateral oophorectomy or
    • Has not had >= 12 months of non-therapy-induced amenorrhea.
  10. Participants must not be breastfeeding.
  11. Participants must have the ability to understand, and the willingness to comply with the scheduled visits, treatment schedule, laboratory testing and other requirements of the study.

You CAN'T join if...

Participants may not meet any of the following exclusion criteria to be eligible for study entry:

  1. Prior treatment for High Grade Glioma (HGG).
  2. History of other malignancy unless the participant has been disease-free for at least 5 years. Adequately treated basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell skin cancer is not exclusionary regardless of time, as well as localized prostate carcinoma or cervical carcinoma in situ after curative treatment.
  3. Histological confirmed oligodendroglioma (IDH-mutant and 1p.19q-codeleted) or mixed glioma.
  4. A contrast-enhancing brain tumor that is any of the following:
    1. Multi-focal (defined as 2 separate areas of presumed tumor whether contrast enhancing or not, measuring at least 1cm in 2 planes that are not contiguous
    2. Associated with either diffuse subependymal or leptomeningeal dissemination or
    3. > 5cm in any dimension.
  5. Participant has or had an active infection requiring antibiotic, antifungal or antiviral therapy in the 4 weeks preceding study Cycle 1: Day 1.
  6. Participant has any bleeding diathesis, or must take anticoagulants, or antiplatelet agents, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), at the time of the scheduled resection that cannot be interrupted for surgery.
  7. Participant is HIV positive.
  8. Participant has Hepatitis B (positive test for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) or hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb) and positive test for hepatitis B Virus (HBV) DNA) or Hepatitis C (positive tests for hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody and HCV-RNA) or Hepatitis B and C co-infection (positive test for HBsAg or HBcAb and positive test for HCV Antibody).
  9. Participant has a history of allergy or intolerance to flucytosine (DB107-FC).
  10. Participant has a gastrointestinal disease that would, in the opinion of the Investigator, prevent him or her from being able to swallow or absorb flucytosine.
  11. Participant intends to undergo treatment with the Gliadel® wafer at the time of resection surgery or has received Gliadel® wafer < 30 days from Cycle 1: Day 1.
  12. Severe pulmonary, cardiac or other systemic disease, which as per Investigator assessment would prevent surgical resection.
  13. Participant who have any other disease or condition, which as per Investigator assessment may affect the participant's compliance or place the participant at higher risk of potential treatment complications.


  • University of California accepting new patients
    San Francisco California 94143 United States
  • University of Southern California accepting new patients
    Los Angeles California 90089 United States
  • University of California, San Diego accepting new patients
    San Diego California 92093 United States

Lead Scientist at UCSF

  • Nicholas Butowski
    Dr. Nicholas Butowski is a neuro-oncologist who specializes in brain tumors, neuroimaging, cognitive and rehabilitative neurology, and complementary therapies for neurological disorders. He is director of clinical services in neuro-oncology and a researcher at the Brain Tumor Center.


accepting new patients
Start Date
Completion Date
University of California, San Francisco
Phase 1/2 research study
Study Type
Expecting 70 study participants
Last Updated