This is a Phase 3 study evaluating the positron-emitting radiopharmaceutical 18F-mFBG as an imaging agent for confirming or excluding the presence of neuroblastoma
A Prospective Phase 3 Multi-center Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of 18F-mFBG PET Imaging in Subjects With Neuroblastoma
This is a prospective, Phase 3, multi-center, open-label study designed to assess the use of 18F-mFBG PET imaging in subjects with known or presumed neuroblastoma. Eligible participants will have either histopathologically established diagnosis of neuroblastoma or a presumed diagnosis based on signs, symptoms, physical examination, imaging findings, and laboratory and genetic test results.
Subjects will only be administered 18F-mFBG if they have undergone or are scheduled to undergo a 123I-mIBG or 18F-FDG scan within 30 days of the date of the 18F-mFBG scan. Subjects should not have received any chemotherapy, immunotherapy or radiotherapy between the clinical and 18F-mFBG imaging studies.
18F-mFBG PET studies and clinical 123I-mIBG scans will be evaluated off-site by 3 independent radiologists and/or nuclear medicine physicians who are blinded to all subject information. Blinded readers will record whether findings on 18F-mFBG and 123I-mIBG scans are consistent with presence of neuroblastoma (Disease +) or absence of disease (Disease -).
Subject-level diagnostic performance will be assessed on the basis of positive and negative percent agreement (PPA and NPA) between the blinded 18F-mFBG scan interpretations and disease status (+ or - for neuroblastoma) as independently assessed by an Expert Panel of pediatric oncologists.
Secondary efficacy analyses will compare PPA and NPA between 18F-mFBG and 123I-mIBG interpretations provided by the blinded readers.